Friday, April 17, 2020



pack (v)
   to pack a case (v) packet (n)
page (n) pain (n) painful (adj) paint (n & v) painter (n) painting (n) pair (n) palace (n) pale (adj)
   pale blue pan (n)
pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: trousers)
paper (n)
   a sheet of paper
   a (news)paper paragraph (n) parcel (n)
pardon (exclam)
   Pardon? parent (n)
park (n & v)
   a public park (n)
   to park a car (v) parking (n)
parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:car park)
parrot (n) part (n)
   a part of something (n) partly (adv)
particular (adj)
   I love this CD - in particular the last song.
partner (n) part time (adv) part-time (adj) party (n)
   a birthday party
   a political party pass (n & v)
   Several cars passed.
   to pass the sugar
   to pass an examination passenger (n)
passport (n) password (n)
past (adj, n & prep)
   the past few weeks (adj)
   in the past (n)
   It's half past one. (prep) pasta (n)
path (n)
patient (adj & n)
   to be patient (adj)
   a hospital patient (n) pattern (n)
pause (v) pavement (n) pay (n & v)
PC (personal computer) (n) pea (n)
peace (n) peaceful (adj) peach (n) peak (n) peanut (n) pear (n)
pedestrian (n)

peel (v) pen (n) pence (n pi) pencil (n)
pencil case (n) penfriend (n) penguin (n) penny (n) people (n pi) pepper (n)
      to pass the pepper (spice)
      red peppers (vegetable) per (prep)
percent (adv) perfect (adj) perform (v) performance (n) performer (n) perfume (n) perhaps (adv) period (n) permanent (adj) permission (n) permit (v)
   Dogs are not permitted here. permitted (adj)
person (n) personal (adj) personally (adv) persuade (v) pet (n)
petrol (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas)
petrol station (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas station)
pharmacy (n) phone (n & v) photo (n) photocopy (n)
photo(graph) (n) photographer (n) photography (n) phrase (n) physics (n) piano (n)
pick (v)
pick up (phr v)
   I picked up a pencil.
   I'll pick up my sister from the station.
picnic (n) picture (n) pie (n) piece (n)
   a piece of cheese
   to break into small pieces
   a piece of furniture/advice pig (n)
pile (n) pill (n) pillow (n) pilot (n)
pin (n & v) pineapple (n) pink (adj & n) pipe (n) pirate (n)
pity (n)
   It's a pity you couldn't come to the party - it was great.
pizza (n) place (n)
   a safe place (n)
   I've lost my place in the book. (n)
   third place in a race (n)
   London is a big place. (n) plain (adj)
   It's plain to me. (clear)
   a plain T-shirt (no design) plan (n & v)
   a street plan (n)
   a plan to do something (n) plane (n)
planet (n) plant  (n & v)
plastic (adj & n) plate (n) platform  (n) play (n & v)
   a play at the theatre (n)
   children playing (v)
   to play football (v)
   to play the guitar (v)
   to play a CD (v)
   to play the part of someone (act) (v)
player (n) playground (n) pleasant (adj) please (exclam & v)
   Come in, please. (exclam)
   to please someone (v) pleased (adj)
pleasure (n) plenty (pron) plug (n)
   a plug for the bath
   an electrical plug plus (prep & conj)
p.m.        (adv) pocket (n)
pocket money (n) poem (n)
poet (n) poetry (n) point (n & v)
   to point at something (v)
   The pencil has no point on it. (n)

police (n) policeman (n) police officer (n) police station (n) polite (adj) political (adj) politician (n) politics (n) pollution (n) pool (n)
   a swimming-pool poor (adj)
   She is very poor. (financial)
   the poor man (sympathy) pop (n)
   pop song/music/star/group popular (adj)
population (n) port (n) position (n) positive (adj) possibility (n) possible (adj) possibly (adv) post (n & v)
   to post a letter (v)
   to send it by post (n) postcard (n)
poster (n) postman (n) post office (n) postpone (v) pot (n)
potato (n) pound (£) (n) pour (v) powder (n) power (n) powerful (adj) practice (n)
practise (v) (n =Am Eng)
pray (v) prayer (n) predict (v) prefer (v) pregnant (adj)
preparation (n) prepare (v) prepared (adj) prescription (n)
   medicine on a prescription present (adj & n)
   to be present (adj)
   at the present time (adj)
   That will be all for the present. (n)
   I got some lovely birthday presents. (n)
presentation (n) president (n) press (v)
   to press a button
   to press a suit pretty (adj & adv) prevent (v) previous (adj) previously (adv) price (n)
primary school (n) prince (n) princess (n) principal (adj) print (v)
   to print a document printer (n)
prison (n) prisoner (n) private (adj) prize (n) probably (adv)
problem (n)
produce (v) product (n) profession (n) professional (n) professor (n) program(me) (n)
   TV programme
   computer program progress (n)
project (n) promise (n & v)
   to promise to do something (v)
   to keep a promise (n) promote (v)
pronounce (v)
   to pronounce a word correctly
pronunciation (n) proper (adj) property (n) protect (v)
proud (adj) prove (v) provide (v) public (adj & n)
   public opinion (adj)
   to make something public (adj)
   to be open to the public (n) public transport (n)
publish (v) pull (v) pullover(n) pump (n)
   petrol/bike pump punish (v)
pupil (n)
puppy (n) pure (adj)

purple (adj & n) purpose (n)
   He did it on purpose. (deliberately)
purse (n) push (n & v) put(v)
put away (phr v)
      He put the book away. put down (phr v)
      She put her name down.
put off (phr v)
   The meeting was put off until the following week.
put on (phr v)
   He put on a suit.
   Can you put on the light?
   He didn't want to put on weight.
put out (phr v)
   The fire was quickly put out.
put through (phr v)
   Can you put me through to the manager, please?
put up (phr v)
   The company had to put up its prices.
puzzle (n) pyjamas (n pi)

Abbreviations used in the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List are:
abbreviation or acronym
mv n
modal verb
phrasal verb
auxiliary verb
plural preposition
Am Eng
American English
prep phr
prepositional phrase
Br Eng
British English
conj det


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