Friday, April 17, 2020



sad(adj) safe (adj)
   to be safe from harm safely (adv)
sail (n & v) sailing (n) salad (n) salary (n) sale (n)
salesman/saleswoman (n) salmon (n)
salt (n)
same (adj, pron & adv)
   at the same time (adj)
   Your watch is the same as mine.(pron)
   You should treat everyone the same.(adv)
sand (n) sandal (n) sandwich (n)
satisfactory (adj) satisfied (adj) sauce (n) saucepan (n) saucer (n) sausage (n) save (v)
   to save someone
   to save money
   to save time say (v)
   to say something to someone
   I really can't say. (give an opinion)
scared (adj)
scarf (n) scary (adj) scene (n) scenery (n) school (n)
schoolchild (n) science (n) science fiction (n) scientific (adj) scientist (n) scissors (n pi) scooter (n)
score (n & v)
   The score was 3-0. (n)
   to score a goal (v) scream (n & v)
screen (n) sculpture (n) sea  (n) search (n & v) seaside (n) season (n) seat(n)
seat belt (n)
second (adv, det & n)
   She came second and won silver.(adv)
   This is the second time you've been late. (det)
   sixty seconds in a minute (n) secondary (adj)
   secondary school second-hand (adj & adv) secret (adj & n) secretary (n)
section       (n)
security (n)
see (v)
   to see something (with the eyes)
   to see the joke (understand)
   to see someone about a problem (consult)
seem (v) select (v) selfish (adj)
self-service (adj) sell(v)
send (v) sense (n) sensible (adj) sentence (n)
   words in a sentence separate (adj)
series (n)
   a TV series serious (adj)
   a serious person
   a serious illness seriously (adv) serve (v)
   to serve in a shop server (n)
   a file server service (n)
   a bus service
   customer service session (n)
   in a school, gym set (n & v)
set off (phr v)
   She set off early for work.

set out (phr v)
   They set out on the long journey.
set up (phr v)
   Her mother helped her to set up in business.
several (det & pron) sew (v)
sex (n)
      the male/female sex shade (n)
      to sit in the shade shadow (n)
shake (v) shall (mv) shame (n) shampoo (n) shape (n) share (v) shark (n) sharp (adj)
      a sharp knife
      a sharp corner
      a sharp picture shave (v)
she (pron) sheep (n) sheet (n)
      sheets on a bed
      a sheet of paper
      information sheet shelf (n)
shine (v) shiny (adj) ship (n) shirt (n) shock(n)
      to suffer from shock (n) shocked (adj)
shocking (adj) shoe (n)
shoot (v)
    to shoot at the goal shop (n & v)
shop assistant (n) shopping (n) shore (n)
short (adj) shortly (adv) shorts (n pi)
    a pair of shorts should  (mv) shoulder (n)
shout (n & v) show (n & v)
    a film show (n)
    Show it to me. (v)
   The picture shows a village. (v)
    It shows that they care. (v) shower (n)
    a shower of rain
    to have a shower shut  (adj  &  v) shy(adj)
sick (adj) side (n) sight (n)
   Her sight is better with glasses.
   in sight, out of sight sightseeing (n)
sign (n & v)
    a road sign (n)
    to sign a document (v)
    no sign of life (n)
    signs of winter (n) signal (n & v)
signature (n) signpost (n) silence (n) silent (adj) silk (adj & n) silly (adj)
silver (adj & n) similar (adj) simple (adj)
since (conj & prep) sincerely (adv)
   Yours sincerely sing (v)
singer (n) singing (n) single (n & adj)
   a single (ticket) to Manchester (n)
   to be single (unmarried) (adj)
   a single room (adj) sink (n & v)
   a kitchen sink (n)
   The ship began to sink. (v) sir (n)
   Yes, sir! sister (n)
sit (v)
sit down (phr v) site (n)
sitting room (n) situated (adj) situation (n) size (n)
skate (n & v) skateboard (n & v) skateboarding (n) skating (n)
ski (n & v)
skiing (n)

skill (n) skin (n) skirt (n) sky (n)
sleep (n & v) sleeve (n) slice (n) slim (adj)
slip (v)
    to slip on the ice slow (adj) slowly (adv)
small (adj) smart (adj)
    a smart idea (Am Eng)
    smart clothes smell (n & v)
smile (n & v) smoke (n & v) smoking (n) smooth (adj)
   a smooth surface (level)
   a smooth ride in the new car (comfortable)
snack(n) snake (n) snow (n & v)
snowboard (n & v) snowboarding (n) so (adv & conj) soap (n)
soap opera (n) soccer (n) sociable (adj) social (adj) society (n) sock (n)
sofa (n) soft (adj)
    a soft material
    a soft drink software (n)
soldier (n)
solution (n) solve (n)
some (det & pron) somebody (pron) somehow (adv) someone (pron) something (pron) sometimes (adv) somewhere (adv) son (n)
song (n) soon (adv)
     I'llcome soon.
     as soon as I can sore (adj)
sorry (adj) sort (n)
the same sort so-so (adj) soul (n) sound (n & v)
     the sound of music (n)
     It sounds like/as if...(v) soup (n)
sour (adj)
     a sour taste south (adj & adv, n) southeast (adj & n) southern (adj) southwest (adj & n) souvenir (n)
space (n)
     a parking space
     write in the spaces
     not enough space
     outer space spare (adj & v)
   spare cash, spare time (adj)
     to spare the time (v) sparkling (adj)
     Sparkling water, please.
speak (v) speaker (n) special (adj) spectacular (adj) speech (n) speed (n)
spell (v) spelling (n) spend (v)
    to spend money/time spice (n)
spicy (adj) spill (v) spinach (n) spite (n)
    in spite of split up (phr v)
   She's just split up with her boyfriend.
spoil (v) spoon (n) sport (n)
sports centre (n) spot (n)
spy (n)
square (adj & n)
    a square room (adj)
    a market square (n) squash (n)
stadium (n) staff (n) stage (n)
    to perform on a stage stairs (n pi)
stall (n)
    market stall stamp (n)
    a postage stamp stand (v)
star (n)
    stars in the sky (n)

    a film star (n) start (n & v)
   a good start (n)
   to start a race (v) station (n)
   a bus/fire/radio station statue (n)
stay (n & v)
   to stay to dinner (v)
   to stay with friends (v)
   to stay looking young (v)
   a two-night stay (n) stay behind (phr v)
   She stayed behind after the lesson to speak to the teacher.
steak (n) steal (v) steep (adj) step (n)
   two steps forward
   to climb the steps stick (n & v)
   a walking stick (n)
   to stick two things together (v)
sticky (adj)
still (adj & adv)
   I prefer still to sparkling water. (adj)
   Sit still! (adv)
   She's still here. (adv) stir (v)
stomach (n) stomach ache (n) stone (n)
   a large stone
   a stone bridge stop (n & v)
   a bus stop (n)
   The car stopped. (v)
   It's stopped raining. (v)
   The rain stopped me from going out. (v)
store (n)
   a department store (n) storm (n)
story (n)
straight (adj & adv)
   to go straight on (adv) a straight road (adj) strange (adj)
stranger (n) strawberry (n) stream (n) street (n) stress (n)
   He didn't want the stress of a new job.
stressed (adj) stressful (adj) strict (adj) strike (n & v)
   to go on strike (n)
   to strike something (v) stripe (n)
strong (adj) student (n) studio (n)
   TV/artists/recording studio studies (n pi)
study (n & v)
   to study physics (v)
   to study the map (v)
   Social Studies (n) stuff (n)
stupid (adj) style (n) stylish (adj) subject (n)
   the subject of a discussion
   the subject of a sentence
   a school subject subtract (v)
subway (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: underground)
succeed (v) success (n) successful(adj) such (det) sudden(adj) suddenly (adv) suffer (v)
sugar (n) suggest (v) suggestion (n) suit (n)
   to wear a suit suitable (adj) suitcase (n)
sum (n)
sun (n) sunbathe (v)
sunglasses (n pi) sunny(adj) sunrise (n) sunset (n) sunshine (n) supermarket (n) supper (n) support (n & v)
   She gave me a lot of support during my exams. (n)
   to support a weight (v)
   to support a team (v) supporter (n)
suppose (v)
   I suppose it's true.
   You aren't supposed to drive fast.
   It's supposed to be a good

sure (adj & adv)
   I'm sure you're right. (adj)
   to make sure (adv) surf (v)
surfboard (n) surfing (n) surname (n) surprise (n & v) surprised (adj) surprising (adj) surround (v)
   The cottage is surrounded
by beautiful countryside.
sweater (n) sweatshirt (n) sweet (adj & n)
   sweet food (adj)
   a sweet face (adj)
   a sweet smell (adj)
   to eat a sweet (n) swim (n &  v) swimmer (n) swimming (n)
swimming costume (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bathing suit)
swimming pool (n) swimsuit (n) switch (n & v)
   light switch (n)
   to switch on a machine (v) system (n)

Abbreviations used in the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List are:
abbreviation or acronym
mv n
modal verb
phrasal verb
auxiliary verb
plural preposition
Am Eng
American English
prep phr
prepositional phrase
Br Eng
British English
conj det


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