Friday, April 17, 2020



table (n)
table-cloth (n) tablet (n)
table tennis (n) take (v)
   to take someone's hand
   to take someone's things (steal/ borrow)
   to take a photo
   to take a long time
   to take a holiday takeaway (n)
take away (v)
   Take 15 away from 78. take care of (v)
   take care of someone. take off (phr v)
   Do you want to take off your coat?
   The plane takes off at 6. take part (in) (v)
   Everybody took part in the
take place (v)
    The meeting took place at six.
take up (phr v)
    He decided to take up a new hobby.
talent (n) talented (adj) talk (n & v)
talk show (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chat show)
tall (adj) tap (n)
    a cold-water tap (n) taste (n & v)
    to have good taste (n)
    to taste food (v)
    It tastes good. (v) tasty (adj)
tax (n) taxi (n) tea (n)
teach (v)
teacher (n) teaching (n) team (n) tear (n & v)
   Tears ran down her cheeks. (n)
   to tear a piece of paper (v) technique (n)
technology (n) teenager (n) telephone (n & v) television (TV) (n) tell (v)
   to tell a story
   to tell someone something
   to tell someone to do something
   you can't always tell temperature (n)
   to have a temperature
   air temperature temporary (adj)
tennis (n)

tense (n) tent  (n) term (n) terrible (adj)
terribly (adv) terrific (adj) terrified (adj) test (n & v) text (n & v) textbook (n)
text message (n) than (conj & prep) thank (v)
thanks (exclam) thank you (exclam)
that (conj, det & pron) the (det)
theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: theater)
their (det) theirs (pron) them (pron)
themselves (pron) then (adv)
there (adv) therefore (adv) these (det & pron) they (pron)
thick (adj) thief (n) thin (adj) thing (n) think (v)
   to think about something
   I think he's left.
   What did you think of the film?
   I think I'll go.
   I'm thinking of going.
thirsty (adj)
this (det & pron) those (det & pron) though (conj) thought (n)
   to have thoughts about something
   to be deep in thought thriller (n)
throat (n) through (prep) throw (v)
throw away (phr v)
   He threw away the old TV. thumb (n)
thunder (n) thunderstorm (n) tick (n  &  v) ticket (n)
tidy (adj & v) tidy up (phr v)
   Please tidy up when you've finished.
tie (n & v)
   a shirt and tie (n)
   to tie with string (v) tiger (n)
   tight shoes tights (n pi)
   a pair of tights till (conj & prep)
   to wait till the end (prep)
   till he comes (conj) time (n & v)
   What time is it? (n)
   It took a long time. (n)
   the last time (n)
   Is it time yet? (n)
   Four times five is twenty. (v)
timetable (n) tin (n)
   a tin of peas
   made of tin tiny (adj)
tip (n)
   the tip of the pencil
   a tip for the waitress tired (adj)
tiring (adj) tissue (n) title (n)
to (prep) toast (n)
   toast for breakfast today (adv & n)
toe (n) together (adv) toilet (n) tomato (n)
tomorrow (adv & n) tongue (n)
tonight (adv & n) too (adv)
   I've been there, too.
   It's too heavy to lift. tooth/teeth (n) toothache (n) toothbrush (n) toothpaste (n)
top (adj & n)
   top of the class (adj)
   at the top of his voice (n) topic (n)
total (adj & n) totally (adv) touch (v)
tour (n & v)
tour guide (n)

tourism (n) tourist (n)
tourist information centre (n) tournament (n)
toward(s) (prep) towel (n)
tower (n) town (n) toy (n) track (n)
   a race track tracksuit (n) trade (n) traditional (adj) traffic (n)
traffic jam (n) traffic light(s) (n) train (n & v)
   to travel by train (n)
   to train in a skill (v) trainer (n)
   a pair of trainers
   a personal trainer training (n)
tram (n) transfer (v) translate (v) translation (n) transport (n)
trash can (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:rubbish bin)
travel (v)
travel agent (n)
tree (n) trend (n) trick (n) trip (n)
   a weekend trip trouble (n)
trousers (n pi)
truck (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lorry) trunk (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: boot)
   the trunk of a car true (adj)
   Is it true?
   a true friend trumpet (n)
trust (v)
   to trust someone truth (n)
try (v)
   to try to do something
   to try (out) something try on (phr v)
   to try on shoes T-shirt (n)
tube (n)
   a tube of toothpaste tuna (n)
tune (n) tunnel (n) turkey (n)
turn (n & v)
    to turn your head (v)
    to turn the page (v)
    It's my turn. (n)
   The wheels began to turn. (v)
turn down (phr v)
   Could you turn down the music?
turning (n)
   the first turning on the left turn into (phr v)
   The water had turned into ice.
turn off (phr  v)
   She turned off the engine. turn on (phr v)
   Can you turn on the TV? turn up (phr v)
   Turn up the radio I can hardly hear it.
twice (adv) twin (n) type (n & v)
    a type of person (n)
   to type a letter (v) typical (adj)
typically (adv) tyre (n)

Abbreviations used in the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List are:
abbreviation or acronym
mv n
modal verb
phrasal verb
auxiliary verb
plural preposition
Am Eng
American English
prep phr
prepositional phrase
Br Eng
British English
conj det
