Friday, April 17, 2020


ugly (adj) umbrella (n) unable (adj) unbelievable (adj) uncle (n)
uncomfortable (adj) under (prep)
      under the bed
      under £10.00 underground (adj & n)
   underground trains (adj)
   to travel by underground (n) underline (v)
underneath (prep) underpants (n) understand (v) underwear (n) undress (v) unemployed (adj) unemployment (n) unexpected (adj) unfair (adj)
unfit (adj) unforgettable (adj) unfortunately (adv) unfriendly (adj) unhappy (n) unhealthy (adj)
uniform (n) union (n) unit (n) unkind (adj)
unknown (adj) unimportant (adj) uninterested (adj) uninteresting (adj) universe (n) university (n) unless (conj) unlikey (adj) unlucky (adj) unnecessary (adj) unpack (v) unpleasant (adj) until (prep & conj) unusual (adv) unwell (adj)
up (adv & prep)
   to walk up the hill (prep)
   Are you up yet? (awake and dressed) (adv)
   Lift your head up. (adv)
   Speak up, please. (adv) update (n & v)
upload (n) upon (prep)
   once upon a time
   That depends upon when you finish.
upper (adj) upset (adj)
upstairs (adj & adv) up to (prep phr)
      up to six people up to date (prep phr)
urgent (adj) urgently (adv) us (pron)
use (n & v)
   Can you use a computer? (v)
   It's for the use of teachers only. (n)
   Is this any use to you? (n)
   used to (v)
   I used to cycle a lot when I was younger.
   I'm not used to getting up early.
useful (adj) user(n)  usual (adj) usually (adv)

v/versus (prep)
   Manchester United v Liverpool
valley (n) valuable (adj) value (n)
van (n) vanilla (n) variety (n) various (adj) vase (n)
vegetable (n)
vegetarian (n & adj) vehicle (n)
very (adv) vet (n)
via  (prep) video (n & v) video clip (n) video game (n) view (n)
   a beautiful view village (n)
violin (n)
virus (n)
   a computer virus visa (n)
visit (n & v) visitor (n) vocabulary (n) voice (n) volleyball(n) volume (n) vote (n & v) vowel (n)

wage(s) (n) wait (n & v) waiter (n)
waiting room (n) waitress (n) wake (v)
wake up (phr v) walk (n & v) walking (n)
wall (n) wallet (n) want (v) war (n)
wardrobe (n) warm  (adj) warn (v) warning (n) wash (n & v) wash up (phr v)
washing machine (n)
washing-up (n)
   to do the washing-up waste (adj & v)
watch (n & v)
   My watch keeps good time. (n)
   I watched TV last night. (v) water (n & v)
waterfall (n) wave (n & v)
   waves at sea (n)
   to wave goodbye (v) way (n)
   Is this the way?
   the wrong way
   a long way
   to stand in the way
   That's the way to do it.
   way of life
   way in, way out
we (pron) weak (adj)
     to feel weak
     a weak excuse wear (v)
     to wear a dress wear out (phr v & adj)
   You'll wear out those shoes. (v)
   My shoes are worn out. (adj) weather (n)
weather forecast (n) web (n)
webcam (n) web page (n) website (n) wedding (n) week (n) weekday (n) weekend (n)

weekly (adj & adv)
   a weekly magazine (adj)
   to phone home twice weekly (adv)
weigh (v) weight (n)
welcome (n & v)
      a warm welcome (n)
      Welcome to London! (v) well (adj, adv & exclam)
    I'm very well, thanks. (adj)
    to behave  very well (adv)
   Shake the bottle well.  (adv)
   Well, here we are. (exclam) well done! (adv)
well-dressed (adj) well-known (adj)
well made I well-made (adv & adj)
west (adj, adv & n) western (adj)
wet (adj)
   wet clothes
   wet weather whale (n)
what (det & pron) whatever (pron & det) wheel (n)
wheelchair (n) when (adv) whenever (conj) where (adv & conj) wherever (conj) whether (conj) which (pron & det) while, whilst (conj)
white (adj)
who (pron) whole (adj & n)
whose (det & pron) why (adv)
wide (adj)
   a wide road wife (n)
wild (adj) wildlife (n) will (mv) willing (adj) win (v) wind (n)
   A strong wind was blowing. window (n)
windscreen (n) windsurfing (n) windy (n)
wing (n)
   a bird's wing
   the wing of an aeroplane winner (n)
wise (adj) wish (n & v)
   Best wishes. (n)
   Wish me luck. (v)
   I wish you were here. (v) with (prep)
within (prep) without (prep) woman (n) wonder (v)
   I wonder what he said. wonderful (adj)
wood (n)
   to be made of wood
   in a large wood
wooden (adj) wool (n) word (n)
   words in a sentence
   He didn't say a word. work (n & v)
   school work (n)
   to work for a living (v)
   hard work (n)
   to be out of work (n) worker (n)
working (adj) workout (n)
   I like a good workout at the gym.
work out (phr v)
   I work out at the gym every day.
world (n) worried (adj) worry (n & v)
worse (adj & adv) worst (adj & adv) worth (adj)
would (mv) wow (exclam)
wrap (up) (v & phr v)
   to wrap (up) a parcel write (v)
write down (phr v)
   write down an address writer (n)
writing (n) written (adj) wrong (adj)

yard (n)
yet (adv)
young (adj)
yeah (exclam)
yoga (n)
your (det)
year (n)
yoghurt (n)
yours (pron)
yellow (adj)
you (pron)
yourself (pron)
yes (adv)
you know (exclam)
youth (n)
yesterday (adv)

zebra (n)
zero (n)
zone (n)
zoo (n)

Abbreviations used in the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List are:
abbreviation or acronym
mv n
modal verb
phrasal verb
auxiliary verb
plural preposition
Am Eng
American English
prep phr
prepositional phrase
Br Eng
British English
conj det


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